Latest Logo Designs

Here's the latest logo designs, you can navigate to see more with the link at the bottom of this page "Older posts":


Let's get this thing rolling. I appreciate all the support and understanding I've received from people. I really didn't want to stop doing this blog so this seems like good solution.
Please post your logo details in the comments of THIS POST... Winner will be announced tomorow or when there are enough entries. Those who don't win... post it again for the next drawing... you can keep coming back and posting until you win.


Enviroman said...

Hi Franco,

If you don't mind I would like to put in Enviroman Says for a redraw. The previous logo color was too bland and didn't stand out.

... said...

Hey there!

I would love a new logo for - and would love something that had a cartoon version of myself worked into it. The photo of me is:

I'm not tied to the color scheme or anything of the current logo.


bwilliam said...
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bwilliam said...


I am interested in getting a logo that is a black and white ink type cartoon drawing of my face. Does this make sense? The photo is here:

Feel free to email me if you need more information. Thanks!