Latest Logo Designs

Here's the latest logo designs, you can navigate to see more with the link at the bottom of this page "Older posts":

Quick Note to visitors.

A few things...
1) I noticed that to get the full size image, all you have to do is click on it... so do that if you want the full size image of the logo I made for you :)
2)If you notice I didn't do your logo in a day or two... don't be afraid to post a comment in the last post and ask for it again, I might just have forgot about it... sometimes people post comments in previous posts so I might accidently overlook these requests.
3)Make sure to post the URL to the site that you want your logo for and to put a link on that page.


mmurtha said...


I just wanted to thank you for doing this service. We all appreciate it bunches!

Here are the details for my new article directory site.

The sites name is "The Content Corner"

I have no pics or grafics of what I am wanting so I will try to describe the details in text.

I was thinking of putting the name of the site to the left...about 20 pxl or so (what looks best) from edge of site with light gray shadowing from the letters.

Dark blue, red, or maroon letters would be nice....not brown please. I just want something dark that matches the site well. You can experimant if you want to....I'm not that picky lol!

Is there any way you can make it in 3D or 2D?

can you also put an image of a desk with an ink bottle and a piece of paper where it looks like something is written on the paper right after the title?

Make the desk woodie looking too.

You are welcome to use your imagination or experiment with this logo if you want to.

If you make this really nice looking and fast, I will send 50 bucks your way. With no questions asked.

Just give me an example of what you come up with and a secure sit. Unless you prefer a check mailed to you. Just email me with any information or questions you have.

slightlydrunk said...

My site is entitled "" and is a running narrative about my life and the adventures I am involved in.

The url is: and my background color is: EEE9E9 ( I think!)

My vision for a logo would be of one that incorporates both alcohol and life. Kind of a general description, but I think somewhat accurate.

Whatever you decide will obviously be fine, your creative input is most welcome !